Saturday, October 27, 2012

Do You Remember Your First Google Subscriber?

I logged in to my blog, as I do every morning, and there it was - a pending comment. It stated that someone had stopped by, left a comment AND become a GFC member. How exciting! And thank you.

It got me to thinking about my very first GFC member.  I know I don't have that many members, but the first stayed with me, especially since she writes about FOOD, glorious food.  My first GFC member was Ann at Sumptuous Spoonfuls.  I have a love/hate relationship with her blog.  I love it because it's about food and the pictures are so magnificent.  I walk away with a growling belly every time.  My immediate thought is to run to my local market to pick up the ingredients and ehem impress my husband with my newly-found skills.  (That's the hate part.)  Sadly, my husband knows that's not my origination, but the end result would please him nonetheless - my belly stops growling.

Do you remember your first subscriber?  Didn't it feel great to not be zero anymore?  Someone was actually subscribing.  My little blog is growing one lovely member at a time.  Stop by and tell me about your first member.  Become a member of our community.

I love comments!

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Disclaimer: This is NOT an affiliated link, so enjoy the food.


  1. yes! i do was a man from the middle east. I could not imagine how or why he would subscribe to my family blog., but he didn't leave a comment.
    I am now your newest GFC follower..pls follow back if you can.

    1. The funniest part of that is that you have never forgotten him. Thank you for stopping by and becoming a member of our community.


  2. Your post made me smile. :-) My first follower was my dear friend Michelle.
    I am now following you!!

    1. Hi Marci,
      I am so glad that this post made you smile. That makes my day better. Thank you for stopping by and becoming a member of our community. I like your blog and look forward to reading more.


  3. My first Subscriber was my BFF. :)
    Thanks for linking up with Saturday Social Mix! Following via GFC!


    1. Hi Jen,

      That is so special that your BFF was your first subscriber. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. I don't remember mine but I'm pretty good with names and love seeing people come back and comment.

    I'm a new follower of yours via GFC ( and G+ ( I would follow via Twitter but your button isn't linked to your handle. Mine is (

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thank you for mentioning about the Twitter button. I fixed it. I also just became a Twitter follower of yours.


  5. It is fun to watch my blog grow! Congrats on your growth. I love food blogs.

    1. Hi Sara. It is fun to watch your blog grow. Thank you on the congrats. Food blogs are great. Thank you for stopping by.


  6. I do remember my first follower, Jane! What an encouragement that was for me. I stopped by because of a comment you wrote on Marci's blog where you mentioned losing a baby. That just happened to our dil, and we were all just devastated. I wanted to stop by to give you a virtual hug!Also, I am your newest follower! :)

    1. Susan,

      You have no idea how perfect your timing is. Thank you for the virtual hug and for stopping by. Comments are great. Virtual hugs are priceless. God bless your heart.

