Wednesday, November 27, 2013

One Empty Chair at the Dinner Table

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Curved Leg Driftwood Mirror Dining Table Domo Slipcovered Dining Chair

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  As we prepare our menu and make sure that we have everything we need to serve a fantastic meal, my husband informed me that we will be one person short at our dinner table.  A friend of ours has to work on Thanksgiving.  She is not a civil servant or medical personnel.  She works in retail.  Her shift is from 4pm Thanksgiving Day to 4am Friday morning.  Her fiance will still be joining us because he is always welcome to break bread with us.  Their families live out of state.

It saddens me to know that she will be missing Thanksgiving Day dinner with us, as well as her own family, because retailers are open on Thanksgiving Day.  I know that the reason I write this blog is to encourage people to buy products that are made in the USA in order to create jobs.  I also believe that a day of giving thanks and gathering with family and friends on a national holiday is important.  We create memories with our loved ones.  This year, my husband is beginning a tradition of making Thanksgiving Day dinner with our girls.  Being able to watch that is priceless, especially as we await the coming of Baby #3.  We will be home taking advantage of the time we have together and the memories that last a lifetime.  The stuff, the savings, the retailers will always be there.  And if they aren't.....there's always Cyber Monday!

Here is what concerns me: Is this a trend that will signify the end of Thanksgiving - the family-gathering holiday - as we knew it?  Will Black Friday become a thing of the past?  Is there a major retailer that has declined being open on Thanksgiving Day?  I just don't understand and get quite saddened that there will be empty chairs at Thanksgiving Day dinner tables all around the country because of shopping.

Which side of the table are you on: Worker Bee, Dinner-Table Traditionalist or Savings Shopper?  I would love for you to share your thoughts.


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