Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Longest Minute Ever......

This is my baby Bina when she was just born.  The picture was taken with a cell phone.  In the excitement of her being born, we forgot where the cameras were.

Bina came into this world in 3 hours flat (well, 3 hours and 10 minutes).  My water actually broke, which I only thought happened in the movies and in textbooks.  I remember when I got the urge to push, my midwife and husband coached me along.  They told me her head was out and then my midwife told me to stop pushing.  The cord was wrapped around Bina's neck and my midwife was removing it.  She was so calm about it.  Even thinking back to that moment, it still amazes me at how focused and calming she was with us.  She unwrapped the cord, suctioned the fluids out of Bina's mouth and nose and continued to coach me along to keep pushing.  She never missed a beat.

When Bina graced us with her presence, she didn't cry right away.  It may have been a second or two.  It seemed like an eternity before I heard her cry.  When I finally heard those lungs sing to me, I cried.  The funny thing is that for months after she was born, and even now sometimes, I love to hear that initial cry of hers.  I think that minute-long second has stayed with me and I love that sound.  It reminds me that she is ok.  I told my husband that people will think I am the worst mother ever because I love to hear that initial cry of hers.  I obviously comfort her right away, as I did that day that she was born.  I guess when you know the story, I don't seem like such a bad mom.

When I think of that moment, I also think of my midwife who delivered our baby.  I can't stress enough how calm she was throughout the whole process.  I am in awe of it.  Bina was born in a birthing center versus Lyla who was born in a hospital.  The birthing center was set up like a luxurious spa - the decor, the aroma, the soft music, the jetted tub, the extraordinarily comfortable bed - simply amazing.  What's more amazing is that my baby Bina came home with us, wrapped in blankets and love.

What was your longest minute?  Or what was your birthing experience like?  Share your stories.  I love to read about them.

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  1. Following you from the Thursday blog hop!


    1. Hi Jami,

      Thank you for stopping by and following along. Followed you back.


  2. I think my longest minute was a series of times.. when K was born, she had 'choking' episodes.. it took months to track down the cause, a lot of being told it was normal and knowing it wasn't, and each time it happened.. time seemed to stop and move excruciatingly slow.. it was pure terror but it slowed down so much that I was always able to react well during the episode.. luckily we found the cause, treated it, and those spells rarely happen anymore.. but a minute can seem like an hour at times. -kitskorner

    1. Hi Sarah,

      I am so glad that the causes of the episodes were able to be diagnosed and treated. It is very scary, to say the least, to watch your child choke. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your story.


  3. Thanks for hosting! Love for you to return the follow when you can :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and becoming a member. I followed you back.

