Monday, October 31, 2022

Weight Loss Week 2 Goal: Eat breakfast

Week 2, Day 1 of getting healthier

Losing 4 lbs. with last week's goal gave me such a rush of empowerment.  I made a goal.  I stuck with it.  I accomplished it.

In choosing this week's goal, I found myself reaching the potential status of analysis paralysis.

The first goal that came to mind was, Eat breakfast everyday.  Then I began wondering if it was the right goal.  Really?  

Pick one and go.  I have a bazillion new goals in order to accomplish this quest to be healthy, and here I was wondering if this was the right goal.  I'm hilarious.....and sarcastic!

Another AHA moment hit me then: I was not going through this overthinking nonsense every week if I was going to accomplish this undertaking.  I looked up some common weight loss goals.  Then I wrote them down, put them in a hat and that was going to be my scientific way of choosing a new weekly goal.

Some of these goals I want to put off as much as possible because they create more work than I care to do.  Meal prep anyone?  Hopefully, it's just in my head.  Or maybe by the time I pick that goal, I will be less mentally and physically exhausted, and able to nail it!  More to this point tomorrow.

This week: I'll be staying for breakfast!

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